Best Individual Health Insurance Policy - Keys to Pick

Choosing the right health insurance coverage is hard enough with employer plans, but at least questions can be addressed to somebody on staff who knows more than you do and won't steer you to the most expensive plan. When you shop for coverage on your own, the choices are far more complicated. Most employers only offer one or two health plans as options. On the individual insurance market, you're likely to face dozens. And you're on your own.

Grappling with the details of so many different individual policies can lead to a strong urge to pick the next one that sounds halfway reasonable. But halfway isn't good enough. Hang in there, keeping the following eight basics in mind to help cut through the fog of numbers and unfamiliar terms:

1. Your "must-haves."
2. The cost of the basics
3. Provider networks
4. Out-of-pocket maximums
5. Prescriptions
6. Annual limits on coverage and services
7. Dependents
8. Getting help
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