Visit a dentist or orthodontist with your young child and be told that braces are needed leads one to the question: Should I buy an individual California dental insurance plan to cover the cost of braces for my child? This article addresses this question by examining the cost and benefits of two separate individual PPO dental plans. We’ve found that most people have a strong allegiance to their personal dentist and the orthodontist referred by the dentist. PPO dental plans are the most likely to include your dentist so we’ve focused on the PPO plans.
By way of back ground; individual HMO dental plans require a fixed copayment by the member for child orthodontia. For example, the Anthem Blue Cross Select Net Dental HMO plan requires the member to pay $2,870 for child orthodontia. The monthly premium in Los Angeles County for a child on this plan is $17/month or $204/year. Blue Shield of California does not offer a child-only dental HMO plan in Los Angeles. Delta Dental offers two individual policies for children: CAA55 costs $7/month, $84/year and has an ortho copayment of $2900; CAA54 costs $8/month, $96/year and has an ortho copayment of $2800. The information is current as of May 2011.
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